Veri seti Açık Erişim
Şenay Mihçin; Ahmet Mert Sahin; Mehmet Yılmaz; Alican Tuncay Alpkaya; Merve Tuna; Nuray Korkmaz Can; Serap Sahin; Sevinc Akdeniz; Aliye Tosun
Database Covering the Previously Excluded Daily Life Activities
In biomedical engineering, implants are designed according to the boundary conditions of gait data and tested against. However, due to diversity in cultural backgrounds, religious rituals might cause different ranges of motion and different loading patterns. Especially in the Eastern part of the world, diverse Activities of Daily Living (ADL) consist of salat, yoga rituals, and different style sitting postures. Although databases cover ADL for the Western population, a database covering these diverse activities of the Eastern world, specific to these populations is non-existent. To include previously excluded ADL is a key step in understanding the kinematics and kinetics of these activities. By means of developments in motion capture technologies, excluded ADL data are captured to obtain the coordinate values to calculate the range of motion and the joint reaction forces. This study focuses on data collection protocol and the creation of an online database of previously excluded ADL activities, targeting 200 healthy subjects via Qualisys and IMU motion capture systems, and force plates, from West and Middle East Asian populations. Anthropometrics are known to affect kinematics and kinetics which are also included in the collected data. The current version of the database covers 50 volunteers for 12 different activities, the database aims for 100- male and 100- female healthy volunteers as the final target. The tasks are defined and listed in a table to create a database to make a query based on age, gender, BMI, type of activity and motion capture system. The data is collected only from a healthy population to understand healthy motion patterns during these previously excluded ADLs. The collected data is to be used for designing implants to allow these sorts of activities to be performed without compromising the quality of life of patients performing these activities in the future.
Dosya adı | Boyutu | |
c3d data base (1).rar
md5:90d0f56a17304094775b602a4454388f |
118.7 MB | İndir |
subject list (1) (1).xlsx
md5:9ed99c06933369558f2d06729f6b2c1d |
27.3 kB | İndir |
Tüm sürümler | Bu sürüm | |
Görüntülenme | 1,199 | 359 |
İndirme | 523 | 81 |
Veri hacmi | 10.7 GB | 3.7 GB |
Tekil görüntülenme | 937 | 301 |
Tekil indirme | 339 | 59 |