Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Hypertensive effects of central angiotensin II infusion and restraint stress are reduced with age

Erdos, Benedek; Cudykier, Idan; Woods, Mary; Basgut, Bilgen; Whidden, Melissa; Tawil, Rabih; Cardounel, Arturo J.; Tuemer, Nihal


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        "name": "Woods, Mary"
        "name": "Basgut, Bilgen"
        "name": "Whidden, Melissa"
        "name": "Tawil, Rabih"
        "affiliation": "Univ Florida, Coll Med, Dept Physiol & Funct Genom, Gainesville, FL 32610 USA", 
        "name": "Cardounel, Arturo J."
        "name": "Tuemer, Nihal"
    "description": "Objective We investigated the effect of age on cardiovascular responses mediated by central angiotensin II (AngII) after intracerebroventricular infusion of AngII, and during restraint stress.", 
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    "title": "Hypertensive effects of central angiotensin II infusion and restraint stress are reduced with age"
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