Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Fabrication and Characterization of Saffron Stamen Aqueous Extract Controlled Release System as Potential Topical Treatment of Thermal Burn Wounds

Ozdemir, MsC Burak; Piskin, Mehmet Burcin; Gok, MsC Bahar; Demir, Neslihan; Budama-Kilinc, Yasemin


  author       = {Ozdemir, MsC Burak and
                  Piskin, Mehmet Burcin and
                  Gok, MsC Bahar and
                  Demir, Neslihan and
                  Budama-Kilinc, Yasemin},
  title        = {{Fabrication and Characterization of Saffron Stamen 
                   Aqueous Extract Controlled Release System as
                   Potential Topical Treatment of Thermal Burn Wounds}},
  journal      = {CHEMISTRYSELECT},
  year         = 2021,
  volume       = 6,
  number       = 25,
  pages        = {6579-6585},
  month        = jan,
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Tekil indirme 6

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