Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim
Yurtcan, Murat; Coruh, Saliha; Kolarov, Janko; Ozdan, Aysegul Buncukcu; Gurbuz, Mehmet Faruk; Erkaya, Ismail
{ "conceptrecid": "234863", "created": "2022-10-07T09:10:02.524816+00:00", "doi": "10.3157/021.129.0501", "files": [ { "bucket": "c44798d9-87e9-4edf-b994-c480085f9fd7", "checksum": "md5:eca19715399eb43b22535bcc2f70c2f0", "key": "bib-504d59e9-4d78-4755-a9d5-9eb14b69a8db.txt", "links": { "self": "" }, "size": 234, "type": "txt" } ], "id": 234864, "links": { "badge": "", "bucket": "", "doi": "", "html": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "" }, "metadata": { "access_right": "open", "access_right_category": "success", "communities": [ { "id": "tubitak-destekli-proje-yayinlari" } ], "creators": [ { "affiliation": "Trakya Univ, Fac Sci, Dept Biol, Edirne, Turkey", "name": "Yurtcan, Murat" }, { "affiliation": "Ataturk Univ, Dept Plant Protect, Fac Agr, TR-25240 Erzurum, Turkey", "name": "Coruh, Saliha" }, { "affiliation": "Paisij Hilendarski Univ Plovdiv, Fac Pedag, 24 Tsar Assen Str, Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria", "name": "Kolarov, Janko" }, { "affiliation": "Suleyman Demirel Univ, Fac Arts & Sci, Dept Biol, Isparta, Turkey", "name": "Ozdan, Aysegul Buncukcu" }, { "affiliation": "Suleyman Demirel Univ, Fac Arts & Sci, Dept Biol, Isparta, Turkey", "name": "Gurbuz, Mehmet Faruk" }, { "affiliation": "Suleyman Demirel Univ, Fac Arts & Sci, Dept Biol, Isparta, Turkey", "name": "Erkaya, Ismail" } ], "description": "In order to study fauna of Cryptinae, Pimplinae and Tryphoninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), three Natural Protection Areas (Halep Camligi, Kengerliduz, and Habib-i Neccar) were chosen sampled by various techniques from East Mediterranean Region of Turkey between 2007-2008. The same localities were again sampled between 2014-2015 and added. A total of 112 samples were collected and 38 species determined. Eleven species are new records for Turkey. Centers of diversity are given for each species.", "doi": "10.3157/021.129.0501", "has_grant": false, "journal": { "issue": "5", "pages": "453-471", "title": "ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS", "volume": "129" }, "license": { "id": "cc-by" }, "publication_date": "2021-01-01", "relations": { "version": [ { "count": 1, "index": 0, "is_last": true, "last_child": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "234864" }, "parent": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "234863" } } ] }, "resource_type": { "subtype": "article", "title": "Dergi makalesi", "type": "publication" }, "science_branches": [ "Di\u011fer" ], "title": "ICHNEUMONIDAE (HYMENOPTERA) FAUNA OF NATURAL PROTECTION AREAS IN THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN REGION OF TURKEY, PART II" }, "owners": [ 1 ], "revision": 1, "stats": { "downloads": 10.0, "unique_downloads": 10.0, "unique_views": 29.0, "version_downloads": 10.0, "version_unique_downloads": 10.0, "version_unique_views": 29.0, "version_views": 30.0, "version_volume": 2340.0, "views": 30.0, "volume": 2340.0 }, "updated": "2022-10-07T09:10:02.592253+00:00" }
Görüntülenme | 30 |
İndirme | 10 |
Veri hacmi | 2.3 kB |
Tekil görüntülenme | 29 |
Tekil indirme | 10 |