Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Mechanical reinforcement and memory effect of strain-induced soft segment crystals in thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomers

Candau, Nicolas; Stoclet, Gregory; Tahon, Jean-Francois; Demongeot, Adrien; Yilgor, Emel; Yilgor, Iskender; Menceloglu, Yusuf Z.; Oguz, Oguzhan


  author       = {Candau, Nicolas and
                  Stoclet, Gregory and
                  Tahon, Jean-Francois and
                  Demongeot, Adrien and
                  Yilgor, Emel and
                  Yilgor, Iskender and
                  Menceloglu, Yusuf Z. and
                  Oguz, Oguzhan},
  title        = {{Mechanical reinforcement and memory effect of 
                   strain-induced soft segment crystals in
                   thermoplastic polyurethane-urea elastomers}},
  journal      = {POLYMER},
  year         = 2021,
  volume       = 223,
  month        = jan,
Görüntülenme 15
İndirme 3
Veri hacmi 774 Bytes
Tekil görüntülenme 13
Tekil indirme 3

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