Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Surface free energy and wettability properties of transparent conducting oxide-based films with Ag interlayer

Ozbay, Salih; Erdogan, Nursev; Erden, Fuat; Ekmekcioglu, Merve; Rakop, Busra; Ozdemir, Mehtap; Aygun, Gulnur; Ozyuzer, Lutfi

Citation Style Language JSON

  "DOI": "10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150901", 
  "abstract": "ITO, ZTO, AZO and Ag are commonly used in transparent conducting oxide (TCO)/metal/TCO electrodes to form multilayered thin films on a suitable substrate. A detailed surface free energy (SFE) knowledge of these films is critical to design desirable TCO-based sandwich structures. In this study, TCO/Ag/TCO multilayer thin films were coated onto glass substrates using ITO, ZTO, AZO and Ag targets by magnetron sputtering. The wettability properties of TCO, Ag interlayer and TCO/Ag/TCO were evaluated by contact angle measurements of seven different liquids having various surface tension values. The dispersive and polar components of SFE were calculated using geometric and harmonic mean approaches. The acidic and basic components of SFE were calculated using van Oss-Chaudhury-Good method. Following this, the work of adhesion values between TCO films and Ag interlayer were estimated using SFE values of the films. The results show that the SFE components of the surfaces differ depending on the TCO type, the total SFE values of TCO/Ag/TCO films were lower than that of TCO films, and AZO/Ag adhesion is stronger than the other TCO/Ag structures. The reasons behind these differences were discussed by evaluating the SFE, XRD, AFM and SEM analysis simultaneously.", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Ozbay", 
      "given": " Salih"
      "family": "Erdogan", 
      "given": " Nursev"
      "family": "Erden", 
      "given": " Fuat"
      "family": "Ekmekcioglu", 
      "given": " Merve"
      "family": "Rakop", 
      "given": " Busra"
      "family": "Ozdemir", 
      "given": " Mehtap"
      "family": "Aygun", 
      "given": " Gulnur"
      "family": "Ozyuzer", 
      "given": " Lutfi"
  "container_title": "APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE", 
  "id": "230260", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "title": "Surface free energy and wettability properties of transparent conducting oxide-based films with Ag interlayer", 
  "type": "article-journal", 
  "volume": "567"
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