Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Stirring active particles to form life crystal using convective flow

Akguc, Gursoy B.


  "@context": "", 
  "@id": 112176, 
  "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", 
  "creator": [
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "Izmir Univ Econ, Dept Phys, TR-05400 Izmir, Turkey", 
      "name": "Akguc, Gursoy B."
  "datePublished": "2019-01-01", 
  "description": "A convective flow concentrating active particles in a region bounded by complex surfaces can be used as a dynamic confinement to form aggregates. To achieve this, a special geometry inspired by thin film experiments was modeled. There is a discussion of the effect of motility and chirality of active particles in the formation of crystalline like structures. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.", 
  "headline": "Stirring active particles to form life crystal using convective flow", 
  "identifier": 112176, 
  "image": "", 
  "license": "", 
  "name": "Stirring active particles to form life crystal using convective flow", 
  "url": ""
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