Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Low-lying dipole strength in the well-deformed nucleus Gd-156

Tamkas, M.; Aciksoez, E.; Isaak, J.; Beck, T.; Benouaret, N.; Bhike, M.; Boztosun, I.; Durusoy, A.; Gayer, U.; Krishichayan; Loeher, B.; Pietralla, N.; Savran, D.; Tornow, W.; Werner, V.; Zilges, A.; Zweidinger, M.


  author       = {Tamkas, M. and
                  Aciksoez, E. and
                  Isaak, J. and
                  Beck, T. and
                  Benouaret, N. and
                  Bhike, M. and
                  Boztosun, I. and
                  Durusoy, A. and
                  Gayer, U. and
                  Krishichayan and
                  Loeher, B. and
                  Pietralla, N. and
                  Savran, D. and
                  Tornow, W. and
                  Werner, V. and
                  Zilges, A. and
                  Zweidinger, M.},
  title        = {{Low-lying dipole strength in the well-deformed 
                   nucleus Gd-156}},
  journal      = {NUCLEAR PHYSICS A},
  year         = 2019,
  volume       = 987,
  pages        = {79-89},
  month        = jan,
Görüntülenme 9
İndirme 3
Veri hacmi 969 Bytes
Tekil görüntülenme 8
Tekil indirme 3

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