Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Combined mass quantitation and phenotyping of intact extracellular vesicles by a microarray platform

Gagni, Paola; Cretich, Marina; Benussi, Luisa; Tonoli, Elisa; Ciani, Miriam; Ghidoni, Roberta; Santini, Benedetta; Galbiati, Elisabetta; Prosperi, Davide; Chiari, Marcella


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        "affiliation": "ICRM, Consiglio Nazl Ric, Milan, Italy", 
        "name": "Gagni, Paola"
        "affiliation": "ICRM, Consiglio Nazl Ric, Milan, Italy", 
        "name": "Cretich, Marina"
        "affiliation": "IRCCS Ist Ctr San Giovanni Dio Fatebenefratelli, Mol Markers Lab, Brescia, Italy", 
        "name": "Benussi, Luisa"
        "affiliation": "IRCCS Ist Ctr San Giovanni Dio Fatebenefratelli, Mol Markers Lab, Brescia, Italy", 
        "name": "Tonoli, Elisa"
        "affiliation": "IRCCS Ist Ctr San Giovanni Dio Fatebenefratelli, Mol Markers Lab, Brescia, Italy", 
        "name": "Ciani, Miriam"
        "affiliation": "IRCCS Ist Ctr San Giovanni Dio Fatebenefratelli, Mol Markers Lab, Brescia, Italy", 
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        "affiliation": "Univ Milano Bicocca, Dipartimento Biotecnol & Biosci, NanoBioLab, Milan, Italy", 
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        "affiliation": "Univ Milano Bicocca, Dipartimento Biotecnol & Biosci, NanoBioLab, Milan, Italy", 
        "name": "Galbiati, Elisabetta"
        "affiliation": "Univ Milano Bicocca, Dipartimento Biotecnol & Biosci, NanoBioLab, Milan, Italy", 
        "name": "Prosperi, Davide"
        "affiliation": "ICRM, Consiglio Nazl Ric, Milan, Italy", 
        "name": "Chiari, Marcella"
    "description": "The interest towards extracellular vesicles (EVs) has grown exponentially over the last few years; being involved in intercellular communication and serving as reservoirs for biomarkers for tumors, they have a great potential for liquid biopsy development, possibly replacing many costly and invasive tissue biopsies.", 
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