Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Performance Evaluation of a New Coulometric Endpoint Method in Sweat Testing and Its Comparison With Classic Gibson&Cooke and Chloridometer Methods in Cystic Fibrosis

Gokdemir, Yasemin; Vatansever, Pinar; Karadag, Bulent; Seyrekel, Tuncay; Baykan, Ozgur; Ikizoglu, Nilay Bas; Ersu, Refika; Karakoc, Fazilet; Haklar, Goncagul


  author       = {Gokdemir, Yasemin and
                  Vatansever, Pinar and
                  Karadag, Bulent and
                  Seyrekel, Tuncay and
                  Baykan, Ozgur and
                  Ikizoglu, Nilay Bas and
                  Ersu, Refika and
                  Karakoc, Fazilet and
                  Haklar, Goncagul},
  title        = {{Performance Evaluation of a New Coulometric 
                   Endpoint Method in Sweat Testing and Its
                   Comparison With Classic Gibson\&Cooke and
                   Chloridometer Methods in Cystic Fibrosis}},
  journal      = {FRONTIERS IN PEDIATRICS},
  year         = 2018,
  volume       = 6,
  month        = jan,
Görüntülenme 10
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