Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

C-14 wiggle-matching of short tree-ring sequences from post-medieval buildings in England

   Marshall, P.; Bayliss, A.; Farid, S.; Tyers, C.; Ramsey, C. Bronk; Cook, G.; Dogan, T.; Freeman, S. P. H. T.; Ilkmen, E.; Knowles, T.

This study tests whether accurate dating by AMS radiocarbon wiggle-matching short tree-ring series (c. 30 annual rings) in the period after AD 1510 can be achieved routinely. Such an approach has proved problematic for some intervals in the period AD 1160-1541 (Bayliss et al., 2017), which are before single-year calibration data are available (Stuiver, 1993). We suggest that such calibration data are essential if this approach is to be employed for the informed conservation of standing buildings.

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