Konferans bildirisi Açık Erişim

Analysis of Nested Double Split Ring Resonator for Linearly Polarized Dual Band Reflectarray

   Simsek, Tugba; Ozsahin, Gulay; Kiris, Orcun; Kose, Suleyman; Akan, Volkan; Topalli, Kagan; Unlu, Mehmet

This paper presents an extensive parameter analysis of nested double split ring resonators for a linearly polarized dual band reflectarray. The unit cell has been investigated not only for two rotational parameters but also six independent parameters which are the rotation angle, the outer radius and ring gap of inner and outer ring. With the help of these six degree of freedom approach we designed dual band reflectarray unit cell with dimensions 17.19 mm x 17.19 mm (0.47 lambda x 0.47 lambda) that operates at 8.23 and 12.4 GHz and the designed unit cell has a phase range of 360 degrees. The designed unit cells provide 360 degrees phase range at both 8.23 and 12.4 GHz simultaneously.

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318 Bytes İndir
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Tekil görüntülenme 151
Tekil indirme 10

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