Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

A physical map of Brassica oleracea shows complexity of chromosomal changes following recursive paleopolyploidizations

   Wang, Xiyin; Torres, Manuel J.; Pierce, Gary; Lemke, Cornelia; Nelson, Lisa K.; Yuksel, Bayram; Bowers, John E.; Marler, Barry; Xiao, Yongli; Lin, Lifeng; Epps, Ethan; Sarazen, Heidi; Rogers, Carl; Karunakaran, Santhosh; Ingles, Jennifer; Giattina, Emily; Mun, Jeong-Hwan; Seol, Young-Joo; Park, Beom-Seok; Amasino, Richard M.; Amasino, Richard M.

Background: Evolution of the Brassica species has been recursively affected by polyploidy events, and comparison to their relative, Arabidopsis thaliana, provides means to explore their genomic complexity.

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Tekil görüntülenme 62
Tekil indirme 12

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