Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Optical characterization of gold coated over nanostructured alumina films

   Aslan, Mustafa M.

The gold coated over nanostructured alumina (GCON-A) films were investigated for layers' thicknesses and optical properties between 400 and 800 nm wavelength. First GCON-A films were fabricated in three steps: atomic layer deposition of alumina, hot water treatment, and gold deposition. Then, polarization maintained angular reflectance measurements were taken with a spectroscopic ellipsometry. Layer thicknesses, effective refractive indices, and absorption coefficients of films were determined through regression analysis on the ellipsometry data. To investigate the optical properties of the GCON-A films further, reflection measurements were taken by the visible spectroscopy. All these results verify that it is feasible to tune optical properties of the GCON-A films.

Dosyalar (133 Bytes)
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133 Bytes İndir
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Tekil görüntülenme 48
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