Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

A reference genetic map of C. clementina hort. ex Tan.; citrus evolution inferences from comparative mapping

   Ollitrault, Patrick; Terol, Javier; Chen, Chunxian; Federici, Claire T.; Lotfy, Samia; Hippolyte, Isabelle; Ollitrault, Frederique; Berard, Aurelie; Chauveau, Aurelie; Cuenca, Jose; Costantino, Gilles; Kacar, Yildiz; Mu, Lisa; Garcia-Lor, Andres; Froelicher, Yann; Aleza, Pablo; Boland, Anne; Billot, Claire; Navarro, Luis; Luro, Francois; Luro, Francois

Background: Most modern citrus cultivars have an interspecific origin. As a foundational step towards deciphering the interspecific genome structures, a reference whole genome sequence was produced by the International Citrus Genome Consortium from a haploid derived from Clementine mandarin. The availability of a saturated genetic map of Clementine was identified as an essential prerequisite to assist the whole genome sequence assembly. Clementine is believed to be a 'Mediterranean' mandarin x sweet orange hybrid, and sweet orange likely arose from interspecific hybridizations between mandarin and pummelo gene pools. The primary goals of the present study were to establish a Clementine reference map using codominant markers, and to perform comparative mapping of pummelo, sweet orange, and Clementine.

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