Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Functional deficits and morphological changes in the neurogenic bladder match the severity of spinal cord compression

   Ozsoy, O.; Ozsoy, U.; Stein, G.; Semler, O.; Skouras, E.; Schempf, G.; Wellmann, K.; Wirth, F.; Angelova, S.; Ankerne, J.; Ashrafi, M.; Schoenau, E.; Papamitsou-Sidoropolou, T.; Jaminet, P.; Sarikcioglu, L.; Irintchev, A.; Dunlop, S. A.; Angelov, D. N.

Following spinal cord injury (SCI), loss of spinal and supraspinal control results in desynchronisation of detrusor vesicae (parasympathicus) and external urethral sphincter (sympathicus) activity. Despite recovery of lower urinary tract function being a high priority in patients with SCI, effective treatment options are unavailable largely because mechanisms are poorly understood.

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430 Bytes İndir
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Tekil görüntülenme 30
Tekil indirme 8

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