Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Refraction-type sonic crystal junction diode

   Cicek, Ahmet; Kaya, Olgun Adem; Ulug, Bulent

Unidirectional sound transmission across a junction of two square sonic crystals with different orientations and lattice constants is numerically investigated. Re-scaling and rotating the wave vectors through refractions across the air-first sonic crystal interface and the junction, respectively, facilitate coupling into the spatial modes of the second crystal. Unidirectional transmission, demonstrated through finite element method simulations, is accomplished between 10.4 kHz and 12.8 kHz. Transmission values to the right and left are greater than 60% and less than 1.0%, respectively, between 11.0 kHz and 12.4 kHz, resulting in a contrast ratio greater than 0.9. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. []

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