Konferans bildirisi Açık Erişim

Wild Edible Plants of North Cyprus and Their Traditional Use

   Yilmaz, N.; Alas, T.; Abak, K.; Gucel, S.; KayaYildirim, F.

The consumption of wild plants gathered from nature represents an important part of human nutrition in Cyprus. Although there have been some studies, detailed ethnobotanical works in the northern part of the island are few. The aim of this study was to collect and analyse data concerning wild edible plants used as vegetables in North Cyprus. The study was carried out during the years 2010-2011 as a part of the project on the "collection, conservation and characterisation of old vegetable varieties and their wild relatives". During these surveys information on wild edible plants was gathered. As a result of the study, a total of 27 widely used wild edible plants were recorded. The most important gathering period is winter, from December to April. Leaves (52%) and young shoots (40%) are most widely used organs. Most widely used forms are as a boiled salad (72%) or cooked in oil with or without meat (48%). Some of these plants are used only by the gatherers, whilst others are also sold in markets. Asparagus ssp. (ayrelli) and Cynara cornigera (hostes) are the two most popular and high-prized marketable wild edible plants.

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