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The alpha-decay chains and decay mode predictions of the nuclei Z=118, 119 and 120

   Koyuncu, F.; Soylu, A.

The alpha decay (AD) chains of the nuclei having Z = 118, 119 and 120 have been investigated in terms of different theoretical models. Decay mode results that are presented in this study have been probed over the possible isotopes of the aforementioned nuclei. In the decay mode predictions, the formula of Bao et al. and the formula proposed by Soylu have been used to calculate the spontaneous fission (SF) half-lives. The AD half-lives have been computed by using the Denisov and Khuedenko, Royer, Horoi, the universal decay law (UDL), the Viola-Seaborg-Sobiczewski (VSS), the universal curve (UNIV) formulas and Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation with BohrSommerfeld quantization condition for the nuclei that have the measured experimental half-lives. Therefore, the rms values of the results of the related expressions and WKB method have been determined, in this way, AD half-life calculations of the Z = 118, 119 and 120 nuclei have been performed. According to the obtained results, SF half-life values for Bao et al. and Soylu are quite different from one approach to another, the predictions on decay modes of the Z = 118, 119 and 120 nuclei show differences. The decay modes produced by using different models used in this study would be important for the predictions of the future experimental investigations.

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