Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Matching caricatures to photographs

   Abaci, Bahri; Akgul, Tayfun

Facial caricatures are informative funny images that allow us to identify a subject even with a few lines and dots. Matching caricatures to photographs is a challenging cross-modal face matching problem. This paper addresses this problem by defining a set of qualitative face features both for caricatures and photographs where features are automatically extracted from photos and manually labeled in caricatures. Additionally we release a publicly available caricature-photograph database with 200 caricatures and corresponding photomates. In our experiments, we use genetic algorithms and logistic regression and achieve over recognition rate at 0.1 false accept rate.

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119 Bytes İndir
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İndirme 9
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Tekil görüntülenme 19
Tekil indirme 9

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