Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Spatial Distribution Patterns, Sources of Heavy Metals, and Relation to Ecological Risk of Surface Sediments of the Cyprus Northern Shelf (Eastern Mediterranean)

   Kontas, Aynur; Uluturhan, Esin; Akcali, Idil; Darilmaz, Enis; Altay, Oya

In this study, the spatial distribution of metals and the sources of metal pollution were investigated along the Northern Shelf of Cyprus (Mediterranean Sea). The concentrations of heavy metals and organic matter were measured in sediments collected from the Gemi Konagi, Girne, and Gazi Magusa areas. Measured metal values were compared with Mediterranean background concentrations. Cu and Zn concentrations at the Gemi Konagi area and all of the Cr values were higher than Mediterranean backgrounds. The metal levels were evaluated by the enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (C-f) and degree of contamination (C-d). EF results indicated that heavy metal sources were probably originated from natural processes and mining activities. The C-f values of Hg indicated low contamination. The C-d (degree of contamination) values for all heavy metals also showed a low degree of contamination at the study area. Metal levels were also compared with the numerical Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQG) for an environmental risk assessment. Results showed that sediments were classified as heavily polluted by Cu and moderately polluted by Zn at Gemi Konagi and heavily polluted by Cr and Ni contamination at all sampling areas per the SQG.

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