Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Modeling of ferrofluid magnetic actuation with dynamic magnetic fields in small channels

   Ozbey, Arzu; Karimzadehkhouei, Mehrdad; Yalcin, Sinan Eren; Gozuacik, Devrim; Kosar, Ali

One of the most important and promising research areas in biomedical and micropumping applications is magnetic actuation of ferrofluids with dynamic magnetic fields. For ensuring the use of ferrofluids in various applications in engineering fields, their flows generated by magnetic fields should be extensively investigated and simulated. In this study, simulations of ferrofluid actuation with dynamic magnetic fields were performed by modeling it using the COMSOL Multiphysics software, and iron oxide nanoparticle-based ferrofluids at different angles of rotating magnets were considered to provide insight into ferrofluid flow in small channels. Ferrofluid flows were modeled at different magnetic flux densities provided by rotating magnets, and velocity profiles inside the channel were analyzed. It was shown that ferrofluid actuation can be considered as a futuristic micropumping alternative, simulation results matched well with the experimental results of previous work, and the established model could serve as a tool to analyze ferrofluid flows generated by dynamic magnetic fields. The results of the model show that flow rates up to 100 A mu l/s can be reached at a rotation angle of 30A degrees by using dynamic magnetic fields. Various applications including biomedical applications might be envisaged.

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