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Speeding Up Logic Locking via Fault Emulation and Dynamic Multiple Fault Injection

   Goren, Sezer; Gursoy, Cemil Cem; Yildiz, Abdullah

Today's Integrated Circuit (IC) industry is suffering from piracy, overbuild ICs, and hardware Trojans. One way to protect ICs is logic locking. Logic locking is done by inserting extra logic to the original design's netlist such that correct outputs are produced only when the correct key is applied. However, the determination of locations to insert logic is a computationally expensive process. In this paper, we propose a fault emulation technique to speed up the process of determination of fault locations. Our fault emulation technique enables dynamic multiple fault injection as well as real-time fault impact computation in a single FPGA configuration. The effectiveness of the proposed emulation technique is evaluated with ISCAS'89 sequential benchmark circuits and results are presented.

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199 Bytes İndir
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Veri hacmi 995 Bytes
Tekil görüntülenme 19
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