Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

An experimental study of rough single pile and pile group under uplift loading in sand

   Emirler, Buse; Tolun, Mustafa; Yildiz, Abdulazim

Foundation systems of specific structures such as high-voltage power lines, communication towers, long factory chimneys, sea platforms, columns carrying the advertising boards and signs in freeways and railways are subjected to different loads. These structures are also under the influence of uplift load and the foundation systems should be designed according to the factors affecting the uplift capacity. In this study, the uplift capacity of a rough single pile and pile group embedded in sand is investigated, experimentally. The uplift capacities of a single pile and pile group configuration of 2 x 2 under the effect of various parameters such as pile embedment ratio (L/D), spacing ratio between the piles (S/D) and relative density of sand (D-r) are examined by using a rough steel pile in 25 mm diameter with circular geometry. Furthermore, it is aimed that the uplift capacity of each pile is determined by being connected a load cell to each pile in the group. The value of (S/D)(opt) is determined to be affected by the relative density of sand, and the interaction between piles eliminates in larger S/D in dense soil. It is observed that the uplift capacity increases considerably with the increase of all investigated parameters.

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