Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Promoter Methylation in Epithelial-Enriched and Epithelial-Depleted Cell Populations Isolated from Breast Milk

   Browne, Eva P.; Dinc, Signem E.; Punska, Elizabeth C.; Agus, Sami; Vitrinel, Ayca; Erdag, Gulay Ciler; Anderton, Douglas L.; Arcaro, Kathleen F.; Yilmaz, Bayram

Background: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among Turkish women and both the incidence and associated mortality appear to be increasing. Of particular concern is the percentage of young women diagnosed with breast cancer; roughly 20% of all breast cancer diagnoses in Turkey are in women younger than 40 years. Increased DNA methylation in the promoter region of tumor suppressor genes is a promising molecular biomarker, and human milk provides exfoliated breast epithelial cells appropriate for DNA methylation analyses. Comparisons between DNA methylation patterns in epithelial (epithelial-enriched) and nonepithelial (epithelial-depleted) cell fractions from breast milk have not been reported previously.

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