Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Preparation of naproxen-ethyl cellulose microparticles by spray-drying technique and their application to textile materials

   Arici, Mesut; Topbas, Ozlem; Karavana, Sinem Yaprak; Ertan, Gokhan; Sariisik, Merih; Ozturk, Cihat

The objective of this study is to develop a new textile-based drug delivery system containing naproxen (NAP) microparticles and to evaluate the potential of the system as the carrier of NAP for topical delivery. Microparticles were prepared by spray-drying using an aqueous ethyl cellulose dispersion. The drug content and entrapment efficiency, particle size and distribution, particle morphology and in vitro drug release characteristics of microparticles were optimized for the application of microparticles onto the textile fabrics. Microparticles had spherical shape in the range of 10-15 mu m and a narrow particle size distribution. NAP encapsulated in microparticles was in the amorphous or partially crystalline nature. Microparticles were tightly fixed onto the textile fabrics. In vitro drug release exhibited biphasic release profile with an initial burst followed by a very slow release. Skin permeation profiles were observed to follow near zero-order release kinetics.

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253 Bytes İndir
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İndirme 7
Veri hacmi 1.8 kB
Tekil görüntülenme 22
Tekil indirme 7

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