Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Reactions with Weakly Bound Nuclei, at near Barrier Energies, and the Breakup and Transfer Influences on the Fusion and Elastic Scattering

   Gomes, P. R. S.; Lubian, J.; Canto, L. F.; Otomar, D. R.; Junior, D. R. Mendes; de Faria, P. N.; Linares, R.; Sigaud, L.; Rangel, J.; Ferreira, J. L.; Ferioli, E.; Paes, B.; Cardozo, E. N.; Cortes, M. R.; Ermamatov, M. J.; Lotti, P.; Hussein, M. S.

We present a brief review of the reaction mechanisms involved in collisions of weakly bound projectiles with tightly bound targets, at near-barrier energies. We discuss systematic behaviors of the data, with emphasis in fusion, breakup, nucleon transfer and elastic scattering. The dependence of the breakup cross section on the charge and mass of the target is discussed, and the influence of the breakup channel on complete fusion is investigated. For this purpose, we compare reduced fusion cross sections with a benchmark universal curve. The behaviors observed in the comparisons are explained in terms of polarization potentials and of nucleon transfer followed by breakup. The influence of the breakup process on elastic scattering is also discussed. Some apparent contradictions between results of different authors are explained and some perspectives of the field are presented.

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Tekil görüntülenme 19
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