Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Influence of water/powder ratio and powder type on alkali-silica reactivity and transport properties of self-consolidating concrete

   Yuksel, Cihat; Mardani-Aghabaglou, Ali; Beglarigale, Ahsanollah; Yazici, Halit; Ramyar, Kambiz; Andic-Cakir, Ozge

The type and amount of filler are amongst the most important parameters influencing rheological, mechanical and durability characteristics of self consolidating concrete (SCC). Influence of using a limestone powder, the filler portion of reactive basalt filler and a type of class C fly ash on the fresh properties, alkali-silica reactivity and transport properties were investigated in this study. For this purpose, six SCC mixtures having three filler types and two water/powder ratios were prepared. Alkali-silica reactivity was evaluated by conducting RILEM AAR-3 (38 A degrees C) and AAR-4 (60 A degrees C) concrete prism tests. Besides, the mixtures were exposed to permeable void content, sorptivity and chloride ion permeability tests in order to evaluate the transport properties. According to the results, using a high amount of powder from a reactive basalt in SCC mixture led to the highest expansion level and poor transport properties.

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