Konferans bildirisi Açık Erişim

Modified Superformula Contours Optimized via Genetic Algorithms for Exponentially Converging 2D Solutions of MFIE

   Guler, Sadri; Onol, Can; Ergul, Ozgur; Sever, Emrah; Dikmen, Fatih; Tuchkin, Yury A.

An infinitely smooth parametrical representation with derivatives of all orders is used, resulting into exponentially converging solutions of magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) in 2D either for TM or TE polarized excitations. A version of superformula modified for this purpose has been subject to optimization of its parameters via genetic algorithms to provide smooth parameterization for a desired boundary in two-dimensional problems. The organization of the MFIE kernel and convergence of the solution will be presented.

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Tekil görüntülenme 27
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