Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

A Monte Carlo Library Least Square approach in the Neutron Inelastic scattering and Thermal-capture Analysis (NISTA) process in bulk coal samples

   Reyhancan, Iskender Atilla; Ebrahimi, Alborz; Colak, U. Uner; Erduran, M. Nizamettin; Angin, Nergis

A new Monte-Carlo Library Least Square (MCLLS) approach for treating non-linear radiation analysis problem in Neutron Inelastic-scattering and Thermal-capture Analysis (NISTA) was developed. 14 MeV neutrons were produced by a neutron generator via the H-3(H-2,n)He-4 reaction. The prompt gamma ray spectra from bulk samples of seven different materials were measured by a Bismuth Germanate (BGO) gamma detection system. Polyethylene was used as neutron moderator along with iron and lead as neutron and gamma ray shielding, respectively. The gamma detection system was equipped with a list mode data acquisition system which streams spectroscopy data directly to the computer, event-by-event. A GEANT4 simulation toolkit was used for generating the single-element libraries of all the elements of interest. These libraries were then used in a Linear Library Least Square (LLLS) approach with an unknown experimental sample spectrum to fit it with the calculated elemental libraries. GEANT4 simulation results were also used for the selection of the neutron shielding material.

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