Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Physics opportunities with the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array: AGATA

   Korten, W.; Atac, A.; Beaumel, D.; Bednarczyk, P.; Bentley, M. A.; Benzoni, G.; Boston, A.; Bracco, A.; Cederkall, J.; Cederwall, B.; Ciemala, M.; Clement, E.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Curien, D.; de Angelis, G.; Didierjean, F.; Doherty, D. T.; Dombradi, Zs.; Duchene, G.; Dudek, J.; Dudek, J.

New physics opportunities are opening up by the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array, AGATA, as it evolves to the full 4 pi instrument. AGATA is a high-resolution gamma -ray spectrometer, solely built from highly segmented high-purity Ge detectors, capable of measuring gamma rays from a few tens of keV to beyond 10 MeV, with unprecedented efficiency, excellent position resolution for individual gamma -ray interactions, and very high count-rate capability. As a travelling detector AGATA will be employed at all major current and near-future European research facilities delivering stable and radioactive ion beams.

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