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A novel thermophilic hemoprotein scaffold for rational design of biocatalysts

   Efua Aggrey-Fynn, Joana; Surmeli, Nur Basak

Hemoproteins are commonly found in nature, and involved in many important cellular processes such as oxygen transport, electron transfer, and catalysis. Rational design of hemoproteins can not only inspire novel biocatalysts but will also lead to a better understanding of structure-function relationships in native hemoproteins. Here, the heme nitric oxide/oxygen-binding protein from Caldanaerobacter subterraneus subsp. tengcongensis (TtH-NOX) is used as a novel scaffold for oxidation biocatalyst design. We show that signaling protein TtH-NOX can be reengineered to catalyze H2O2 decomposition and oxidation of 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) by H2O2. In addition, the role of the distal tyrosine (Tyr140) in catalysis is investigated. The mutation of Tyr140 to alanine hinders the catalysis of the oxidation reactions. On the other hand, the mutation of Tyr140 to histidine, which is commonly observed in peroxidases, leads to a significant increase of the catalytic activity. Taken together, these results show that, while the distal histidine plays an important role in hemoprotein reactions with H2O2, it is not always essential for oxidation activity. We show that TtH-NOX protein can be used as an alternative scaffold for the design of novel biocatalysts with desired reactivity or functionality.

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