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Achene anatomy and stomatal characteristics of eighteen Crepis L. (Asteraceae) taxa from Turkey with notes on their systematic significance

   Inceer, Huseyin; Kalmuk, Nursen Aksu; Imamoglu, Kemal Vehbi; Arslan, Gokhan; Duman, Ozge; Hayirlioglu-Ayaz, Sema; Guner, Gul

Achene anatomy and stomatal characteristics of eighteen Crepis taxa from Turkey are here described for the first time. In all taxa examined the pericarp is composed of several layers of sclerenchymatous and parenchymatous cells. As for the achene, differences among taxa mainly concern the pericarp structure and its thickness and width. Stomata are present on both surface of the leaf in all studied taxa and all taxa have anomocytic type stomata. However, the dimensions (length and width) and density of the stomata differ significantly among the studied taxa. In addition, the dimensions of stomata are negatively correlated with stomata density. It is concluded that achene anatomy and stomatal characteristics are useful for delimitation of Crepis taxa and a key to taxa based on these characters is provided. However, based on achene anatomy and stomatal characteristics, we found no argument for an exclusion of the Lagoseris group from Crepis as has previously been proposed.

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