Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Two-step passivation for enhanced InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes with step graded electron injectors

   Sheremet, V.; Genc, M.; Gheshlaghi, N.; Elci, M.; Sheremet, N.; Aydinli, A.; Altuntas, I.; Ding, K.; Avrutin, V.; Ozgur, U.; Morkoc, H.

Enhancement of InGaN/GaN based light emitting diode performance with step graded electron injectors through a two-step passivation is reported. Perimeter passivation of LED dies with SiO2 immediately following ICP mesa etch in addition to conventional Si3N4 dielectric surface passivation leads to decrease in the reverse bias leakage current by a factor of two as well as a decrease in the shunt current under forward bias by an order of magnitude. Mitigation of the leakage currents owing to the two-step passivation leads to significant increase in the radiant intensity of LEDs by more than a factor of two compared to the conventional single step surface passivation. Further, micro-dome patterned surface of Si3N4 passivation layer allow enhanced light extraction from LEDs. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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