Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Application of diffuse optical back reflection spectroscopy for determining articular cartilage thickness in a clinical setting

   Uncu, Yigit Ali; Unlu, Ozlem Ozbey; Gumus, Birce; Uslu, Serkan; Turgut, Cagri; Soyuncu, Yetkin; Bilge, Ugur; Ustunel, Ismail; Canpolat, Murat

PurposeDevelop a spectroscopic method to assess cartilage thickness during the arthroscopic examination.MethodsCurrently, arthroscopy assesses cartilage damage visually; outcomes are based on the surgeon's subjective experience. Light reflection spectroscopy is a promising method for measuring cartilage thickness based on the absorption of light by the subchondral bone. In the presented study, in vivo diffuse optical back reflection spectroscopic measurements were acquired by gently placing an optical fibre probe on different locations of the articular cartilage of 50 patients during complete knee replacement surgery. The optical fibre probe consists of two optical fibers with a diameter of 1 mm to deliver the light and detect back-reflected light from the cartilage. Centre to centre distance between the source and the detector fibers was 2.4 mm. Actual thicknesses of the articular cartilage samples were measured under microscopy using histopathological staining.ResultsUsing half of the samples in the patient data, a linear regression model was formed to estimate cartilage thicknesses from the spectroscopic measurements. The regression model was then used to predict the cartilage thickness in the second half of the data. The cartilage thickness was predicted with a mean error of 8.7% if the actual thickness was less than 2.5 mm (R-2 = 0.97).ConclusionThe outer diameter of the optical fibre probe was 3 mm, which can fit into the arthroscopy channel and can be used to measure the cartilage thickness in real-time during the arthroscopic examination of the articular cartilage.

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