Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Discovery of optical emission associated with the supernova remnant G107.5-1.5

   Bakis, H.; Bulut, G.; Bakis, V; Sano, H.; Sezer, A.

We present the first results from an imaging and a spectroscopic surv e y of the optical emission associated with supernova remnant (SNR) G107.5 -1.5. We disco v ered optical diffuse and filamentary emission from G107.5 -1.5 using the 1.5-and 1-m telescopes. The optical emissions from the North-East (NE) and North-West (NW) regions show the diffuse structure, while the South-East (SE) and East (E) regions show filamentary structure. From long-slit spectra, we found [S II]/H alpha > 0.5 for the SE and E regions, which supports the origin of the emission being from shock-heated gas. The average [S II]/H alpha ratio is found to be similar to 0.4 and similar to 0.3 for the NW and NE re gions, respectiv ely, indicating that the optical emission is coming from ionized gas in an H II region. From the ratios of [S II]lambda lambda 6716/6731, we estimate an average electron density of -2400 cm-3 for the NW region, which can be attributed to the dense ionized gas. The average [S II]lambda lambda 6716/6731 ratios are similar to 1.25 and similar to 1.15 for the SE and E re gions, respectiv ely, which are indicativ e of low-electron density.

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