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A unified pH scale for all solvents: part I - intention and reasoning (IUPAC Technical Report)

   Radtke, Valentin; Stoica, Daniela; Leito, Ivo; Camoes, Filomena; Krossing, Ingo; Anes, Barbara; Rozikova, Matilda; Deleebeeck, Lisa; Veltze, Sune; Naykki, Teemu; Bastkowski, Frank; Heering, Agnes; Daniel, Nagy; Quendera, Raquel; Liv, Lokman; Uysal, Emrah; Lawrence, Nathan

The definition of pH, its measurement and standard buffers, is well developed in aqueous solutions. Its definition in solvents other than water has been elaborated for a couple of solvents and their mixtures with water. However, the definition of a universal pH scale spanning all solvents and phases, not to mention standard procedures of measurement, is still a largely uncharted territory. UnipHied is a European collaboration and has the goal of putting the theoretical concept of an earlier introduced (2010) unified pH(abs) scale on a metrologically well-founded basis into practice. The pH(abs) scale enables the comparability of acidity between different phases. This article draws the connection of the concepts of unified acidity and secondary pH measurement.

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