Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Return current of dc SQUID based on tunnel Josephson junctions with unconventional current-phase relation

   Askerzade, I. N.; Askerbeyli, R.

We carried out the analysis of the return current of dc SQUID based on tunnel Josephson junction with unconventional current-phase relation. We analyzed two cases of current-phase relation with additional terms to the first harmonic sin phi: a case of the second harmonic sin 2 phi and the case of the fractional term sin (phi/2). It is shown that the changing of the return current of dc SQUID on junctions with unconventional current-phase relation is determined by the amplitude of the second term in current-phase relation, geometrical inductance, and external magnetic field.

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186 Bytes İndir
Görüntülenme 11
İndirme 3
Veri hacmi 558 Bytes
Tekil görüntülenme 5
Tekil indirme 3

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