Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Hybrid carbon filled thermoplastic composites: synergistic effect of synthetic graphite and graphene nanoplatelets on thermal and mechanical properties of polyamide 4.6

   Altay, Lutfiye; Kizilkan, Elif; Seki, Yoldas; Isbilir, Akin; Sarikanat, Mehmet

In comparison with conventional polyamides, polyamide 4.6 is known as one of the high-temperature polyamides due to polymer chain constituents which also enhances its dimensional stability, creep resistance, and chemical resistance. The effect of hybrid synthetic graphite and graphene nanoplatelets fillers on thermal conductivity of polyamide 4.6 based composites was investigated in this study. Synthetic graphite and graphene nanoplatelets filled polyamide 4.6 based composites were fabricated using a twin-screw extruder. The variations on electrical, mechanical, thermal, and morphological properties were also examined. The highest in-plane and through-plane thermal conductivity values were obtained for hybrid 40 wt.% synthetic graphite and 5 wt.% graphene nanoplatelets filled composites as 21.65 and 4.04 W/mK, respectively. It was reported that the usage of hybrid carbon fillers in polyamide 4.6 leads to better thermal conductivity value..

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