Konferans bildirisi Açık Erişim

Model-based Integration Framework for Development and Testing Tool-chains

   Polgar, B.; Rath, I.; Majzik, I.

System development processes are typically supported by dozens of different tools that assist the designer in various phases of development like modeling, verification, source code generation, testing. Tool-chains can be formed by the integration of tools that are related to the subsequent steps of the process. In this paper, we present a service-oriented, metamodel-driven, process-centric approach for the definition and execution of these tool-chains. Related data are handled as an important part of the process as the traceability of these is needed for the certification of the systems. The implementation is provided as an open, extensible framework. The approach is demonstrated using a model based test case generation process applied for automotive and railway systems.

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210 Bytes İndir
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Tekil görüntülenme 24
Tekil indirme 6

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