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mr(2)PSO: A maximum relevance minimum redundancy feature selection method based on swarm intelligence for support vector machine classification

   Unler, Alper; Murat, Alper; Chinnam, Ratna Babu

This paper presents a hybrid filter-wrapper feature subset selection algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) for support vector machine (SVM) classification. The filter model is based on the mutual information and is a composite measure of feature relevance and redundancy with respect to the feature subset selected. The wrapper model is a modified discrete PSO algorithm. This hybrid algorithm, called maximum relevance minimum redundancy PSO (mr(2)PSO), is novel in the sense that it uses the mutual information available from the filter model to weigh the bit selection probabilities in the discrete PSO. Hence, mr(2)PSO uniquely brings together the efficiency of filters and the greater accuracy of wrappers. The proposed algorithm is tested over several well-known benchmarking datasets. The performance of the proposed algorithm is also compared with a recent hybrid filter-wrapper algorithm based on a genetic algorithm and a wrapper algorithm based on PSO. The results show that the mr(2)PSO algorithm is competitive in terms of both classification accuracy and computational performance. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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