Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Structure and properties of TiN coatings produced with PIII&D technique using high efficiency rectilinear filter cathodic arc plasma

   Akkaya, S. S.; Vasyliev, V. V.; Reshetnyak, E. N.; Kazmanli, K.; Solak, N.; Strel'nitskij, V. E.; Urgen, M.

In this study, the effects of pulse bias application during plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition (PIII&D) on the structural, mechanical and tribological properties of TiN coatings are investigated. The coatings produced with the application of pulsed bias showed several distinct changes, depending on the type and magnitude of the bias potential. With increasing pulse bias potential, preferred orientation of crystallite planes parallel to the coating surface, gradually changed from (111) to (220), accompanied by a structural transition from Zone T to Zone 2 type structure. Internal stress levels also showed a dependence on the type of bias and bias potential. The results of wear tests clearly revealed significant improvement of tribological properties with the application of pulsed bias. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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