Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Geostatistical estimation of coal quality variables by using covariance matching constrained kriging

   Ertunc, G.; Tercan, A. E.; Hindistan, M. A.; Unver, B.; Unal, S.; Atalay, F.; Killioglu, S. Y.

Covariance matching constrained kriging is a technique originally developed for estimating linear or nonlinear functional of the variable of interest. Practically this may be regarded as a hybrid system that considers local accuracy property in kriging and preservation of spatial variability in stochastic simulation. The method estimates the unknown vector by adding the constraint to match the variance-covariance matrix of estimated values with the variance-covariance matrix of actual values under unbiasedness constraint.

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Tekil görüntülenme 28
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