Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Lower Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Burdur Basin of SW Anatolia

   Alcicek, Mehmet Cihat; Mayda, Serdar; Titov, Vadim V.

The Burdur Basin is one of the NE-trending extensional orogen-top basins of SW Anatolia hosting alluvial-fan, fluvial and lacustrine deposits from the Late Miocene onward. The remains of Equus (Allohippus) sp., Paracamelus cf. gigas, and medium-sized deer (Cervidae gen. indet.) from the uppermost reach of the basin-fill succession show an interregional palaeobiogeographical linkage. The composition of fossil associations is typical for the wVillafranchian of eastern Europe and central Asia. The architecture of the basin-fill stratigraphy and associated fossil taxa refines the Early Pleistocene regional palaeogeography and biodiversity of Anatolia drawn over the Eurasian migration pattern. (C) 2012 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

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