Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim
Yangin, Dilek Dulay
Industry 4.0, also called the fourth industrial revolution of our era and used for the first time at the Hannover Fair in Germany in 2011, envisages the production of systems with the systems that have passed from worker control to machine control as a part of the fourth industrial revolution. One of the important transformation fields brought by digitalization is the platforms that provide (offer) service and bring together users called "Gig-Economy" (gig economy-collaborative economy-platform economy). Two ways of working that led to the birth of the digital economy are "crowdworking" through digital platforms and "work on demand via apps." Currently, determining the legal qualifications of those who provide services on platforms such as "Amazon Mechanical Turk," "Clickworker," "Taskrabbit," "Uber," and "Helpling" or those who work and the platform that allows these services to be offered presents difficulties within the framework of the traditional concepts of labor law. Failure to comply with the traditional definitions of the continuity and dependency elements of act performance leads to a revision of these definitions and then to a search for new concepts by obscuring the boundaries of the concepts of worker, employer, and workplace.
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md5:b039e94a959d32d34822496b80845ddf |
192 Bytes | İndir |
Görüntülenme | 95 |
İndirme | 27 |
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Tekil görüntülenme | 92 |
Tekil indirme | 27 |