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AC loss characteristics of CORC((R))cable with a Cu former

   Terzioglu, R.; Vojenciak, M.; Sheng, J.; Gomory, F.; Cavus, T. F.; Belenli, I.

High-temperature superconductors from the REBCO (RE = rare earth) family have attained industrial production and their performance is continuously being enhanced. However, cabling technology for high-current (kA range) cables for magnet technology is still challenging and there are only few cable concepts available (CORC (R), Roebel cable, twisted stack cable). Each of them exhibits different characteristics. In this paper we experimentally investigate CORC (R) cable produced in-house utilizing a copper tube former. Such a former offers a central cooling channel for partial or complete cable cooling by forced flow of coolant. We focus mainly on AC loss due to transporting AC current, an external applied AC magnetic field and their simultaneous action. In the case of transporting AC current we found indications that a large part of the total loss has its origin in eddy currents due to an axial magnetic field. For the investigation of magnetization AC loss, we prepared several samples with different configurations. In this case we found direct evidence for increasing AC loss due to losses in the metallic former. However, we also found that at low field amplitudes the magnetization AC loss of the complete cable is lower than the loss in the bare former. This is caused by shielding of the magnetic field by a superconductor, which was also confirmed by numerical simulations.

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