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Aflatoxin, cyclopiazonic acid and beta-nitropropionic acid production by Aspergillus section Flavi from dried figs grown in Turkey

   Basegmez, H. I. Oktay; Heperkan, D.

Aspergillus section Flavi isolates from dried figs were screened for aflatoxins, cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and beta-nitropropionic acid (BNP) production on yeast extract sucrose, czapek yeast extract and potato dextrose agar media. According to molecular identification, Aspergillus flavus (n= 51) was dominant followed by Aspergillus parasiticus (n= 5) and Aspergillus tamarii (n= 1). All isolates were toxigenic producing at least one of the mycotoxins. 98% of the A. flavus strains produced aflatoxins (0.3-1,620 ng/g) and CPA (0.07-398.2 mu g/g), with 31% of them also producing BNP (7.9-1,571.2 ng/g). All isolates of A. parasiticus were aflatoxins producers (106.4-1,255 ng/g), while 2 of them (40%) also produced CPA at a very low level (0.05-0.06 mu g/g). Regarding toxigenic profiles of A. flavus and A. parasiticus, 6 and 3 chemotypes were classified, respectively. A. flavus isolates producing both B type of aflatoxins and CPA, comprised the most represented chemotype followed by the chemotype consisting of aflatoxin B-1, CPA and BNP producers. Regarding A. parasiticus chemotypes, two can be considered atypical being producer of only the B type of aflatoxins and being producer of the B, G type of aflatoxins along with CPA. To the best of our knowledge, an A. flavus isolate producing CPA and BNP but not aflatoxin has been found for the first time.

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